Ideogram Editor

With Ideogram's Editor feature, you can modify an image as you see fit, cropping, resizing, tweaking and making adjustments that will be taken into account in conjunction with your prompt the next time you remix it. You can even use it to design, from scratch, the visual composition of the image you want to achieve. To access this feature, simply select the prompt field and choose one of the two possible ways:

The different tools available

In the Editor, you will have different tools available to you.

Top toolbar

  1. Crop tool: Used to resize, enlarge or reduce an image, or to change its aspect ratio.

  2. Zoom Tool: Used to zoom in and position the image so you're more comfortable making modifications. This tool does not alter the image in any way.

  3. Drawing tool: Use this tool to draw within the image

  4. Pen Thickness: Here, you can set the thickness of the drawing tool either using the slider, or by entering a number between 1 and 100.

  5. Predefined Thickness: Here are 4 predefined drawing tool thicknesses for easy access.

  6. Eye Dropper. This tool lets you select the drawing tool color directly from the existing image. You can also activate this tool by control-clicking (CTRL-click on PC) or by two-finger tapping on the image.

  7. Color Selector: Use this tool to manually select the desired color.

Bottom toolbar

  1. Undo/Redo: Undo the last action or redo the last action.

  2. Cancel: When you want to leave the Editor without saving. You will then return to the prompt area.

  3. Private/Public: Whether your drawing should be private or public. Private edits are available for Ideogram Plus subscribers only.

  4. Save: Save your changes and return to the prompt area.

The Crop Tool

When you select the Crop Tool, you will be presented with a different toolbar at the bottom.

  1. Aspect Ratios: Choose the aspect ratio for your image. You can click on the down arrow on the right to be presented all the available aspect ratios.

  2. Zoom: Visualize the percentage of the magnification of the image. Use can use the + and - button to magnify or reduce the image (or pinch to adjust on mobile) to your taste.

  3. Cancel: When you want to leave the Crop Tool without saving.

  4. Crop: When you are ready to crop your image, save it and return to the Editor.


You can use the editor to draw any image from scratch. Ideogram's model can handle abstract drawings:

Prompt: Photo of a frog on a country road at sunset. (Remixed at a strength of 4/5 and without Magic Prompt.)


Then, you can add some text to it this way:

Adjusting the prompt to include your text: Photo of a frog on a country road at sunset with text "Have a good day!" in swirly lettering (Remixed at a strength of 4/5 and without Magic Prompt.)


Finally, lets add a dragonfly to the image, just because we can:

Updated prompt: Photo of a frog and a dragonfly on a country road at sunset with text "Have a good day!" in swirly lettering

(Remixed at a strength of 4/5 and no Magic Prompt.)

Final result:

Last updated