Generating Images

Ideogram is a web application that allows you to browse and generate images from text. Within the user interface, you can generate images, browse and filter previously generated images, curate your user profile, manage your subscription, and more.


To create an image, describe what you want to see in the prompt box, then hit "Generate".

At the top of the screen, you can click on the input text box to start typing in a description of what you want Ideogram to generate. Hit the "Generate" button to start the generation.

Prompts and generations are visible to everyone on Ideogram unless you choose to generate in Private Mode.

Ideogram generates four images at a time using graphical processing units (GPUs) on remote servers. While the generation is happening, you will see previews of the final images with a progress indicator above them.

After waiting a few seconds, your generation is complete!

Generation Actions

If you click on one of the generated images, an information panel will appear, offering a number of additional actions.

From this panel, you can:

You can:

    • Note that you can only do this with your own generations

    • If you have Ideogram Basic/Plus/Pro, this will download an uncompressed PNG file

    • With the free plan, this will download a slightly compressed JPG file

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