Background Removal
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The Background Removal feature allows you to effortlessly isolate the main subject of an image by removing its background and making it transparent. This feature is available to all paid plans and costs no credits to use.
There are two slightly different ways to use "Background Removal": either directly while viewing an image or by using the Canvas feature. Each behaves a bit differently.
Click on "Remove bg" on the right-side panel.
The window will update with the new image, now with the background removed and transparent. This image is automatically saved in your Creations.
The image is available for download as is.
The right-side panel will change to reflect the new options and information. To further refine the transparent background, click the "Edit background" button that replaces the former "Remove bg" button. You will then be transferred to the Canvas in Edit Background mode.
If you clicked Open in Canvas or if you were already in Canvas then:
Select the image for which you want the background to be removed.
Click on "Remove bg" on the right-side panel.
You will enter Edit Background mode.
When in Edit Background mode, you have access to different tools to refine the background’s masked/transparent areas:
Rectangle Mask: Create a mask from a rectangular shape.
Lasso Mask: Create a mask from a freeform shape.
Brush Mask: Create a mask from a freeform round brush. You can increase or decrease the brush size using the bracket keys [ ] or by clicking the drop-down menu (the little down arrow on the right) to access the size slider.
Erase: Toggle the erase mode, allowing you to restore parts of the deleted background using the mask tools.
Invert: Invert the selection, making the background visible while hiding the visible subject.
Cancel: Cancel any background removal or refinement and revert to the original image.
Save: Click to save the current image with the background removed. Alternatively, click the drop-down menu (the little down arrow on the right) and select "Save copy" to save a copy of the image with the background removed while keeping the original image intact.
Make any changes and refinements on the image background mask using the available tools.
Click save to save the image by clicking "Save" or click the drop-down menu (the little down arrow on the right) and select "Save copy" to save a copy of the image with the background removed while keeping the original image intact.
You can also cancel the whole thing by clicking "Cancel". The image will then revert to its original state that it was before entering the Edit background mode.
Once the background has been removed, you can either download the image using the "Download" function in the left-hand panel, or continue working with the image in Canvas. In either case, the image will also be available in your Creations tab.
You can achieve better results with "Background Removal" by enlarging your images using the "Upscale" feature beforehand. The outcome will be sharper and more precise with an image that has a higher number of pixels to begin with.