User Management

User Profile

User Management Menu

From there, you can:

  • Manage an Ideogram subscription, including purchasing a new subscription.

  • Access this help and documentation page.

  • Manage users you have muted.

  • Log out from Ideogram

  • Set the mode for the website: Light, Dark or automatically based on your computer or device system preferences.

In addition, you can also:

  • Access the TOS (Terms Of Service) and Privacy Policy Page.

  • Follow Ideogram on different social media sites.

On your Profile page, you can also look at your past generations, your pinned generations, and your liked images.

Deleting Your Account

After clicking "Delete account" from the user management menu, you'll be prompted to confirm you want to delete your account. Type "delete" into the text box and click "Yes" when you are ready to proceed. Once confirmed, the process takes a few minutes to complete.

This process is permanent and not reversible, so please consider carefully before proceeding.

If you have an Ideogram subscription plan, your recurring subscription will be cancelled at the end of the current subscription period.

When you delete your Ideogram account, all your generations, prompts and user data will be deleted from Ideogram servers. Your previous generations will no longer be visible to other users.

Last updated