With Ideogram, you can search for your own images or those generated by other users that are publicly available, by searching for specific words that would have been used in the prompts.
Search in the Home Page
On the Home page, users with a paid account can search for publicly available images across the entire website, while free users can only search their own images. To perform a search, simply click the search icon at the top right, just above the image area.
Depending whether you have selected Explore or My images on the left, different options will be presented on the right to further filter the images that appear, as well as those that will appear from your search.
In Explore mode, you can filter images by specific Styles or view them all, while in the My images mode, you can choose to display images from your private or public pages, or both (All).
Clicking on the search icon will make the search box appear. Type in your search keywords and press Enter or Return to launch the search.
The images matching your search parameters will be displayed below. You can also change the filter category to display images corresponding to that category without needing to launch a new search.
Search in you profile page
On your profile page, you can launch a search simply by clicking the search icon at the top right just over the image area while in the Public or Private pages.
Clicking on the search icon will make the search box appear. Type in your search keywords and press Enter or Return to launch the search.
The images matching your search from your own generated images will then be displayed below. You can also switch between Public and Private (available with Plus subscription and above) to display images corresponding to that category without having to launch a new search.
Last updated